How to Make Your Freshers’ Week Instagram Worthy

As reluctant as I am to say it, I am somewhat addicted to social media. Despite my best attempts to #liveinthemoment, I still find myself getting my phone out before to record my experiences.If you, like me, love to, or are planning on, making your Instagram a visual diary of your university experience, here are some ways to start to jazz up that feed of yours. From places to eat, drink and socialise, I’ve got the Insta hotspots of your Notts experience sorted.To show your mum that you are eating: Annie’s Burger ShackAlbeit not the healthiest place to eat, the portion sizes will definitely convince your mum that you’re not going to waste away during your time at university. With over 20 different burgers, all which can be made meaty, veggie or vegan, there will be something on the menu to meet both your aesthetic and hunger based needs.Forget getting your burger fix from McDonalds, Burger King or even GBK, because Annie’s puts them all...
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How to Prepare for University

So it’s coming to the end of July and that long, lazy summer that seemed to stretch out before you after you completed your exams an eternity ago is half over and university is already on the horizon. It’s an exciting time and whilst you ought to enjoy your summer after having worked so hard for so long, there is much to be done, and sometimes the thought of preparing for university life, both the academic and social side of it, can be daunting. Now I’m no expert by any means, but hopefully this post will give you some pointers on how to prepare for university and go about things as you anticipate the start of the next academic year…1. Look Over Module Choices and Read AheadAs nerdy as it may seem, looking through the range of modules offered by your course and reading into them will actually help you tonnesbefore you head into uni, especially since, being a step up from...
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Baby Steps: Preparing for University

I like to believe that this blog attracts a whole array of readers but many of you probably landed here while scouring through the internet for tips on preparing for university. Well, I’m here to deliver exactly that!With less than 2 months to go, this new chapter in your life is just around the corner. To many, it’s a new and exciting start; and to others, it’s a relentlessly daunting challenge. Whichever cliché you relate to, one thing doesn’t change and that is; come September, your life will change.In the run up to Fresher’s week, firstly, I’d suggest joining as many WhatsApp/Facebook groups you can find, be it for your course, dorm or a society that peaks your interest. You’ll find a lot of interesting and like-minded people on these platforms and some may end up being your best friends. Knowing some names and faces will also help you feel more at ease come move-in day.Secondly, if you’re an international...
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Your First Week at University as a Fresher

Although everybody’s university experience is different, having talked to a range of different people from different universities, I have come to the conclusion that the goings on of Freshers’ Week are pretty much universal. I mean, there are obviously going to be some differences according to the events you choose to attend, but on the whole, there is a basic outline as to how the first week at university pans out.Day OneFor most people, the first day at university marks the longest period of time that they will be away from home. From this moment on, it may be that you don’t intend on going home for maybe at least a month, possibly more. Or, like me, this was it: you were not going home until the term was over.The moment of going to university has probably been a moment you’ve been looking forward to for as long as you can remember. Finally, you are breaking out of your hometown....
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