UTUL UGM 2019 : Catat tanggal Ujiannya

Tahun ini UGM kembali menyelenggarakan seleksi masuk dengan menggunakan pola ujian tertulis atau UTUL. Diselenggarakan tanggal 14 Juli mendatang, nilai Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) menjadi salah satu syarat bagi pendaftar. “Peraturan tahun ini untuk bisa mendaftar SBMPTN dan Seleksi Mandiri harus mengikuti UTBK,” terang Wakil Rektor UGM Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr. Hal ini ia sampaikan dalam kegiatan Sosialisasi Ujian Masuk UGM, Selasa (9/4) di Grha Sabha Pramana UGM yang dihadiri oleh kepala sekolah atau perwakilan dari SMA dan SMK di DIY. Guru-guru, ujarnya, perlu mempersiapkan anak didik mereka secara substantif untuk bisa diterima di perguruan tinggi serta program studi sesuai dengan minat serta kemampuan masing-masing. Ia pun meminta agar mereka mencermati informasi-informasi penting yang disampaikan dalam kegiatan sosialisasi ini untuk dapat membantu para murid dalam memilih prodi dengan baik. Direktur Pendidikan dan Pengajaran UGM, Dr. Agr. Ir. Sri Peni Wastutiningsih, menekankan pentingnya mencermati jadwal pendaftaran agar tidak terlewat. Ia menyebutkan, pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya banyak peserta...
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[China] Beijing University – Forbidden City Scholarship – UGM ONLY

[Scholarship is offered for this program]Opportunity for Master Degree with Scholarship Majoring in Electronic and Communication Engineering in Beijing University of posts and Telecommunications, ChinaSchool of Information and Communication Engineering (SICE) in Beijing University of posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), is seeking highly motivated international students with supports of scholarship (Forbidden City Scholarship). For more details, please contact yzhang2014@bupt.edu.cnor liujiang@bupt.edu.cn DATEThe application (via Email) DEADLINE is August 20th, 2018.SCHOLARSHIPScholarship Coverage:Tuition;Lodging: Free on-campus accommodation;Comprehensive medical insurance for international students in China;Monthly living allowance: 3000RMBOne round-trip international travel fee (only economy class, complete reimbursement, eg. enrollment and graduation).Scholarship is from “Beijing the Belt and Road Initiatives national talent training project management approach” to support the national development strategy of “the Belt and Road Initiatives”. ELIGIBILITYBe a citizen of a country belongs to Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and be in good health;Not be a registered student in any Chinese universities at the time of application;Be a BS or BEng holder (under the age of 35) in the field related to Information and...
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[Japan] Kansai University – Spring Semester 2019 Admission for International Students – UGM ONLY

[Scholarship is offered for this program] We are pleased to inform you that Spring Semester 2019 Admission Guidelines of Special Entrance Examination for Recommended International Students is now available.Since Fall Semester 2018, we started to send all the relevant information on our website below instead of sending printed materials. Please refer to the website and download the Admission Guidelines and other necessary documents.http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Gr_s ch/english/eng/index.htmlIf your student wish to apply for the graduate program, please follow the instructions from page 3 to page 4, and send email to the Graduate School Admissions Group of Kansai University.We also support students with scholarship, dormitory and so on.For further details, please refer to the website below.http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Koku sai/english/from/support.php? id=dormIf you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.  REQUIRED DOCUMENTSCurriculum VitaeMotivation LetterCertificate of Enrollment from facultyOfficial academic transcriptLetter of Recommendation from academic advisorLetter of Nomination issued by Home UniversityColored copy of passportCopy student cardCertificate of Health InsurancePassport-size photo (4 pieces, 3.5 x 4.5 cm,...
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[China] Selections of International Workshops

[Shcolarship is offered for these programs] These workshops will be held in China in the second half of this year. According to general practice, every workshop will last 2 or 3 weeks and most of the training fees (except international flight) will be covered by Chinese side. For detailed questions, please feel free to contact the organizer directly. International Training Workshop on Soil & Water Conservation and Dry-land Farming▲ August, 2018▲ Yangling, China▲ Working Language: EnglishObjectives:to learn about the research and technical application of water-saving technologies in China through lectures and visits;to learn key technologies and management approaches of water-saving technologies;to facilitate the technology exchange, cooperation and trade between China and other developing countries in agriculture.Programs:Soil Erosion Prediction ModelA General Introduction to the Development of China AgricultureMain Measures and Extension of China Soil and Water Loss ControlDryland nutrient ManagementDryland Water ManagementAn General Introduction of International Soil and Water Conservation and Dryland FarmingChinese Agriculture Technology Extension Model and PolicyDryland Agricultural experimentVisit Soil Nutrient Management Experiment...
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[Japan] Kyoto University – AUN-KU Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science – UGM ONLY

“AUN-KU Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science” is co-organized by the Graduate School of Energy Science (GSES) of Kyoto University and the ASEAN University Network-Kyoto University Student Mobility Program toward Human Security Development.  It is designed for undergraduate students to study the concept of Human Security Development (HSD) and Energy Science. The main theme of this seminar is energy development, which is an important issue in Human Security Development. The participating students are expected to deepen their knowledge on human security development and energy science with the prospect of finding solutions to technological, socio-economic and political issues in Asia specifically. The seminar will offer lectures and class discussions as well as organize field trips and cultural events. Applicants are not limited to engineering, economics, or science – all fields are welcome. DATE14 – 26 January 2019, Kyoto University, Japan  ELIGIBILITIESUndergraduate students from AUN member universitiesStudents in all fields are welcomeThe number to be admitted: 20 students (15 with JASSO scholarship eligibility and 5 with non-scholarship) FEEParticipation fee: JPY 10,000 This fee includes field studies, and other necessary expenses...
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[Japan] Kyushu University – Exchange Program Spring 2019 – UGM ONLY

[Scholarship is offered for this program]Kyushu University was founded in 1911 and has grown to be one of the most prestigious universities in Japan. At present, there are 11 undergraduate schools, 18 graduate schools, 3 research institutes, and a hospital. Approximately 19,000 students and 2,200 faculty members are engaged in study and/or research at the University. Kyushu University is located in Fukuoka, gateway of Kyushu. Geographically and historically, the city is close to other parts of Asia, so we have been aiming to be the “University opened to Asia” from the beginning. Also, a new main campus, in Ito opened in 2005, where some departments have begun its activities.Brochure: 【Kyushu University】 JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSE (JLCC)Undergraduate who majors in Japanese studies at his/her home institution (Post grads can apply, although the program is designed for undergrads)Course will be taught in Japanese (JLPT N1 or Level 1)October 2017 – September 2018http://www.isc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/jlcc/en/ JAPAN IN TODAY’S WORLD (JTW)Undergraduate (Post grads can apply, although the program...
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